say wan update but nvr update.
pig pig PIGGGGGGGG!!!
err.. whr to start =.=''
tak tau where to start.. start from vi min b'day celebration ba~
btw, vi min is tht pig's nephew XD aka his bro's son.
vi min's 1st b'day celebration was held at Janbo (somewhr near Yulek round-about) last last sunday.
babies nowadays so hang fuk~ 1 yr old b'day oso grand like ppl's wedding x . x''
4get how many tables of guest benben's bro invited jor o.O mayb 10+ gua.. ~________~" sudah become sejarah.. cannot rmb clearly every single part. lol
see pics easier =X

our job is to sit at the "counter" near the entrance to collect
"entrance fees" aka ang pao. Lol~
"entrance fees" aka ang pao. Lol~

thumbs up!~
missed out few dishes coz went to count money.
they served prawn when we finished counting xD

ate a spoon & did not continue x.x
my stomach couldn't fit in any more~
nat. (:
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