sry for the late update. so here's something bout our new year eve. we went for steamboat buffet with leo,sheng and wei xiang. the steamboat located somewhere around sunway. the restaurant's name if im not mistaken called Yuen or something like that. the best thing about this shop is the chicken wing. before the mak cik broght the tray up,everyone already start standing around the table. then when the mak cik open the lid,everyone starts to fight for it. can u imagine how nice it is the chicken wing? @@ after that,benben wanted to eat ice cream so i went to the ice cream counter and when i ask "benben what flavour u want?" benben will reply "i wan chocolate and honey-dew" so,ok lo jz get some for her. then she ask me to get some watermelon as well. at first i tot what she trying to do but at the end,i jz follow and get her some. she add the watermelon into the ice cream cup. sounds weird rite? but its nice. =D
ok so around 10pm plus,we pay the bill. rm295@@ after that,we went to old town cafe which is opposite sunway pyramid. we played UNO and talk some crapz. when the clock strikes 12,fireworks starts to fill the sky with diff colours. of coz my dear and i went out and see. o.O

someone's camera having problem so cant take pic of the firework that day. =p and then after that,around 1am plus,have to send her home or else her mum kill me. =x
"beautiful fireworks" from nat's camera. lol

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